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Our Purpose

MEAM is a non-stock, non-profit corporation established for the purpose of rendering services and counsel to consumer-owned and operated member Municipal Light Plants in Massachusetts.


Specifically, we perform the following functions:


  1. Advocate and promote the highest possible efficiency in organization and operative methods of local consumer-owned electric utilities;

  2. Render assistance and service in the defense or promotion of, any interest common to its members;

  3. Educate members, and the public, in the principles and policies of consumer ownership and operation of Municipal Light Plants;

  4.  Safeguard the principle of home rule;

  5. Buy, sell, rent, mortgage, hypothecate and exchange real and personal property for itself, and for the account of its members and subscribers;

  6. Conduct research on behalf of its members and subscribers;

  7. Publish and distribute information to its members and subscribers;

  8. Act as trustee and/or agent for its members and subscribers;

  9. Plan, and to coordinate the planning, for any facilities necessary for the purposes of this organization;

  10. Perform all other acts that are legal and necessary to effectuate its purposes as stated herein.

Our Membership

Regular meetings of the Association are held a minimum of five times per calendar year as set by the Executive Committee.
All meetings of the Association are conducted according to
Robert’s Rules of Order. Representatives of one-third of the Active Members must be present to constitute a quorum for doing business. Proxies do not count toward establishing a quorum.


Each Active Member has one vote. Passage of all items requiring a vote is by a simple majority of the Active Members present,
or represented by proxy, except for matters involving:
(a) increases in the budget for counsel;
(b) amendments to Association by-laws.


Active Members absent may assign a proxy to an individual, either from their own system or from another Active Member, for voting on all Association business, provided that proxy forms are issued with the meeting announcement and, further, that
proxies properly executed on behalf of an Active Member are in the possession of the Secretary prior to the vote being taken. The vote of a voting representative present takes precedence over a proxy vote from the same system.

Active Members are represented by one or more of the following persons or groups with direct responsibility for the management and control of a Municipal Light Plant:


1.  Members of Municipal Light Boards or similar body
2. The Mayor of a city or town having no Municipal Light Board or similar body
3. The Selectman of a town having no Municipal Light Board or similar body
4. Managers, Superintendents, or like positions, of member Municipal Light Plants.

General Inquiries

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Mailing Address


c/o Jane Parenteau

13 Magnolia Lane
Hooksett, NH  03106

© 2023 Municipal Electric Association of Massachusetts. All rights reserved.

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